April 26, 2009

Virtual Becomes Reality

If you’re reading this, chances are you and your computer are good pals. Forget about phoning a friend, we're too busy blogging, emailing, writing on walls, texting and tweeting. The digital age has redefined communication and friendship. Bits and bytes have replaced flesh and bones. Facebook has replaced face-to-face.

(I love my technology, but in my antiquated opinion a lot of this social networking is a ginormous time suck. . . that doesn't better our lives. In the future I'm sure books will be written about all of this. Hmm, maybe I’ll even write one.)

BUT…sometimes our e-life intersects our real life and we make honest-to-goodness connections. Relationships develop. Friendships blossom. Probably no one has been more surprised by this aspect of blogging than me. I have experienced a very real community of Christian bloggers out there. You bloggy sisters (and brothers) offer friendship, prayer, words of encouragement, support, insight and camaraderie.

On Friday I had the privilege of meeting an e-friend in the flesh and what a blessing it was! I haven’t known Julie Gillies for long, but from the start, I admired her as a writer and a woman of God. We clicked, and when I found out she lived near my sister in Florida, we made plans to get together.

Julie is even more delightful in person and we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at her house, eating lunch and talking, talking, talking--about writing, family, faith. I’m afraid she thought I’d never leave! Julie is truly a woman who hears and follows God’s calling. I know one day soon we’ll see her book on the shelves.

Thanks, Julie!

God brings us together for different purposes, for different seasons. I started a blog to write, but for such a time as this, He’s used writing to lead me to you. Some of you I've met, but many of you I haven't. We may walk together for a moment, a season or even a lifetime, whatever the plan I am so thankful to journey with you.

And maybe one day soon we’ll have a chance to visit for lunch or chat over a latte at Starbucks. Because we women are in this together--and sometimes face-to-face really is the best of all.

Here’s a video about friendship that a friend shared with me. It made me cry. In a good way. It’s worth the time, I promise.



Saleslady371 said...

Virtual Becomes Realty - love your title!! I'm so happy for you and I can tell you enjoyed your friendship in person as well as on line with Julie. What a thrill that was!

I, too, was emailed the video a few months back and it touched me deeply as it did with you. She makes some wonderful points about women and friendship.

Kelly said...

I met Julie briefly at She Speaks last year, and became fast friends via the internet after. She is an AMAZING woman, and I know you had a ball.


Julie Gillies said...

Okay, first of all, I am NOT amazing. I'm just a 47 year old wife, mom and grammy who loves God and writes. Only GOD is amazing! But I sure have met some wonderful friends through blogland, Kelli, and you are one of them. (And you are, too, Chatty Kelly!!)

I enjoyed our conversations and was amazed by how quickly time flew while we gabbed. LOL

I wish you lived nearby so we could get together more often...but I'm grateful that God allowed us to spend an afternoon together. Thanks so much for taking time out of visiting your sister to come by--and remember...my door is always open.

Oh, and I'm still enjoying the gorgeous flowers you brought. Thank you, my friend.

Terri Tiffany said...

How wonderful you got to meet! I was secretly hoping you would have a chance to come over this way and say hello too! But am so glad you found a great new friend over there:))

Runner Mom said...

Oh, Kelli girl! This was precious. Thank you--and after our retreat, very timely. Thanks for your prayers as we had our retreat. You are precious!!

Love you!

So, when are you all coming to SC??? I'd love to visit with you for an afternoon too!! :)

Cheryl Barker said...

So glad you got to meet one of your blogger friends, Kelli. I had the chance to meet one of mine at a conference last fall, and it is super special. Who knows, maybe our paths will cross one day, too! If not here, in heaven for sure!

JerryLyn said...

Kelli, What a great post! How precious it is when we can spend time and meet face to face. I love the connection we can have through the internet, but there is nothing like hearing the tone in someone's voice, sharing a touch, unbridled laughter and looking into someone's eyes as we develop, nurture and share our friendships as women in Christ. What a beautiful reminder. I am blessed to know you!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Well now I'm just jealous; that's right, plain old ugly jealousy that want an afternoon with blogging friends ... all of them, with lots of loud and laughter and stories all around.

I live in isolation over here! Is anyone listening? I need a bloggy friend meet. Soon.

However, I'm grateful for your time with Julie. Sort of.


Laura said...

It made me cry too.

As I listened to my tears thud on the couch arm, I thought, "Why are women so different? Why are our relationships so special?"

They just are. They just are.

And I'm so glad.