Ouija boards. Fortune tellers. Tarot cards. Psychics. Mediums.
They can seem harmless, and even helpful. Something to do at a sleepover party. A way to peek into the future. A dare done with girlfriends. A guiding light during confusing t
imes. A way to comfort those who grieve.
And who among us has never read a horoscope, pulled out a Ouija board with our pre-teen girlfriends, or even visited a fortune teller or psychic?
If you’re reading this and saying, “No, I never have and never will!” Good for you. But there are many of you who have—and do.
But really, are these things wrong? Modern spiritualism offers a lot of appealing tenets like wisdom, healing, reverence, continuous life and mystery. Psychics can be kind people who truly want to help. If the information they provide through one-on-one encounters, books and TV shows offers direction, provides comfort or gives closure, is it really such a bad thing?
Certainly the world around us doesn’t think it is.
This very topic came up on the Today show this morning. The two female hosts, who themselves appear to be intelligent, caring women, casually chatted about the pros and cons of seeing a psychic. The one who had visited a psychic explained her choice for doing so. She sounded logical and I’m sure left many viewers thinking, “Hmm, maybe I’ll try that.”
As I wrote earlier, my daughter has a casual friend who’s a wiccan. (Wicca is a neo-pagan, nature-based religion, aka witchcraft.) I know this girl and she comes from a nice family. She’s smart, charismatic and personable. I would venture to say she’s a leader among her peers. Certainly some of the friends with whom she talks about her religion, even the ones who go to church, are left thinking, “Yea, that sounds okay.”
I have friends, Christian friends, who read horoscopes, do numerology and have even visited with psychics. Some mention these things casually. Others do so apologetically. A few are proud. I know a woman who quotes a famous psychic on one hand and Jesus on the other—giving each top billing. How easy it is for those around these women to say, “Hmm, if she’s doing this, it must be okay.”
I use these illustrations not to bash, but to point out how fuzzy our thinking has become in this area. How easy it is to look at the evidence all around and wonder, “Is toying with the spirit world really that bad?”
In a word, yes!
God made His feelings on this topic crystal clear: “Let no one be found among you… who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD…” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
Detestable! An abomination! A disgusting thing if you turn to any supernatural means other than Him. God leaves us no room for any of our “Yea, but…” rationalizations.
In her book, Really Bad Girls of the Bible, Liz Curtis Higgs talks about spiritualists and one in particular, mentioned in Samuel:
“The medium of En Dor was the worst kind of Bad Girl because she directly opposed God and his Word, yet clothed herself in the guise of a helpful soul. It’s easy to be taken in by her caring, generous ways and her servant attitude. Visit a medium today and you’ll no doubt find the same warm welcome and desire to please.
I studied various books on the occult and found safe-sounding, familiar practices: Prayer and meditation. Ceremonies and sacred days. Music and worship. Sharing of food. Storytelling. Rituals for birth, marriage, and death.
Many similarities. But oh, sisters, one big difference!
Our relationship is not with a dead spirit but with a LIVING CHRIST.
Our God does not come from within ourselves but from ON HIGH.”
We are all looking for something. For answers. For purpose. For hope and healing. For revelation and redemption. For help and holiness.
But we must test everything, even if it makes sense to our sinful minds! Does the message align with God’s Word? Is it from God? Does it glorify Him?
There is one place and one place only to find that for which our souls craves. It is not in the spirits of the dead—but in the Spirit of the living God.
Turn to Jesus. He is enough.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)