May 22, 2009

Ten Ponderings on Faith and Philippians

The longer I’m a Christian the more I learn that faith is a stripping-of-the-soul kind of experience. It is not an easy road to travel. Sometimes the sights around give no evidence that we’re even on the right path.

As the writer of Hebrews says, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (11:1) The ancients believed in the promises of God even though they never personally experienced those promises. Many a Christian has stumbled when faced with the same challenge. I know I have. Yet, how deeply rooted is a faith that hasn’t been purified and strengthened by trials and tribulations?

Several of my dear friends are going through seemingly never-ending hard times. My heart hurts as they experience trial after trial. Setback after setback. Rainy day after rainy day. Yet each of them clings to the promises of God. They believe in His goodness and holiness, and they cling to His promises as their lifeline. But, I'm sure their experiences wear them down leaving them weary, discouraged and demoralized. I know if I were in their place, I’d want to yell at God the way Job did: “Why me, God?! What have I done to deserve this?”

I know life isn’t fair, but sometimes the disparity is glaring. Why do some Christians (and non-Christians) skate through life relatively unscathed and others get hammered at every turn? When will the latter receive the promised joy that comes in the morning?

I guess at the heart of this is the question, “What is the true nature of faith?”

A good place to look for answers is in Philippians. I’m studying it right now with my ladies’ Bible study. This little book is chock full of spiritual treasure. It’s inspiring, encouraging and uplifting, but when studied closely sets a high standard for living out our faith.

We’re only at the beginning of chapter two, but so far I have learned so much! At first read, the text seemed pretty straightforward, but as we’re discovering, every verse contains nuggets of truth when unearthed and dusted off for closer inspection, reveal tremendous insight. Already we’ve amassed quite a collection of treasure.

I even shared some of this treasure on a recent visit to the prison as I led the men in prayer. The similarities between Paul’s situation and our ministry team’s put flesh and bones on Paul’s ancient words, bringing them to life in a vivid way 2,000 years later.

I wish I could gather you all close so we can talk about Philippians, share our thoughts and experiences, listen to one another’s insights and go even deeper with the Almighty. Perhaps some day we will do just that, but for now I want to share ten lessons on faith I’ve learned so far from Paul:
  1. Faith binds us together. Despite the religious differences that exist, as followers of Christ we’re all on the same team—partners, working together. What unites us is far greater than what divides us. Paul was linked to the Philippians spiritually and emotionally. (1:27)

  2. Faith is not an attractive accessory that adds goodness to our lives. It is a radical, all-encompassing experience. Paul’s faith wasn’t part of who he was; it was ALL of who he was. He relinquished all of himself—his rights, his hopes, his thoughts, his schedule, his comfort and his desires—and chose to become a slave to Jesus. He was all in, body, mind and spirit.

  3. Faith is active. It’s growing and dynamic and vibrant. We never get to a certain point in our walk and say, “I’m done. I think I got this Jesus-thing down, I’m going to put it on cruise control.” We keep working on “more of you Lord and less of me.”

  4. Faith has a purpose. We’re not supposed to take the gospel and keep it for ourselves. It’s not private. We have a high calling to advance the gospel, unite in Spirit, encourage the body, share thanks and grow the Church. This union of purpose is what bound Paul so strongly to the Philippians.

  5. Faith means we can rejoice in all circumstances. Happiness depends on our external circumstances and our feelings. It comes and it goes. But, joy transcends the superficial. It is given to us supernaturally by the Spirit. And it allows us to be certain, as Paul did, that our circumstances will result in our deliverance. (1:19-20)

  6. Faith does not guarantee a comfortable life. In fact, it seems to promise just the opposite. We tend to expect our faithfulness will result in outward signs of God’s blessings, like happiness, comfort, prosperity, health and safety. But Paul says, “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him…” (1:29). Scripture says God uses our trials and tribulations to make us more Christ-like. (Mt. 5:11-12; Ac 5:41; Jas 1:2; 1Pe 4:14).

  7. Faith means God is not finished with us. The process of being made more like Christ does not rest on our own efforts (thank goodness!). Sure, there are things we need to do, but Paul assures us that God will continue the good work he started in us until Jesus comes again. (1:6)

  8. Faith means the good things in our life may not be the best. Paul prayed for the Philippians that they would “grow in knowledge and depth of insight” so that they could discern not just what is good, but what is best. Our lives may be filled with good and wonderful things, but they may not be the best that God has planned for us. Wisdom shows us the difference. (1:9-10)

  9. Faith means we must live authentic lives. In all we do, we need to conduct ourselves in a manner befitting citizens of heaven. (1:27)

  10. Faith means that our true identity comes from God alone. We don’t get our worth from our marital status, our children, our neighborhood, our job, our education, our service, our hobbies, our popularity, our bank account or anything else. As Paul says, “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” (1:21) Paul’s life found all it’s meaning in Christ and so should ours.

As we delve into Paul's teaching, I'm learning truths that are both comforting and hard to grasp. I'm thankful that our understanding doesn't come by our own efforts, but through the Spirit working in us. I can’t wait to see what more Paul has in store for our study. Will you pray for us as we continue? Pray that we grown in understanding and insight, that God reveals His will in our lives, and that each of us draws closer to Him.

What does faith mean to you? What area of your walk are you struggling with? Where do you have victory?

Blessings for a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend,


Anonymous said...

Your posts are so energizing, I am glad I found you (although, I don't remember how I managed to do so).

I like the last part, that our identity comes from God alone. That is something important to carry with us throughout our lives. It is easy to get caught up in the outside world, but even easier to remember that we are as God made us!

Totally off the subject, kind of, but have you read "The Shack"? I loved it. It was a very different view point of God and our relationship with Him.

Anyway, thanks again :)

Jody Hedlund said...

Thank you for that insight! I especially like the one that says Faith means the good things in life aren't always the best. We certainly do need his wisdom to help distinguish!

Carmen said...

Kelli, that was an excellent post! Not only was it full of truth, you wrapped it all together so well. It's through hardships that we often grow and learn the best. I believe the times that are coming will strengthen the church tremendously, and we'll see some amazing things. I want to go back and read your post again and take notes. LOL... seriously!

Peggy said...

Faith is for us to continue to carry the cross and share the good news.
As in the cartoon, we don't ask for a lighter load. We should ask for the strength to carry the load God gives us. Then when we reach the ravine to cross into heaven the cross we carried will help us get there.
Blessings to all, and just ask for strength and not lighter loads.
Blessings and Love....Peggy

Cheryl Barker said...

What does faith mean to me? My faith in Jesus is my sure foundation each day, my Lifeline in living this life and in anticipating the one to come in heaven. Like the old song says, "Without Him I would be lost..."

The Dementia Nurse said...

"Faith is not an attractive accessory that adds goodness to our lives. It is a radical, all-encompassing experience."

Magnificent words, Kelli!!! I LOVE the book of Philippians. Paul's letters are so rich - what fun to sift them over and over again! New treasures come to the top every single time. Thanks for inspiring me so heartily this morning!

Sue J. said...

Philippians, undoubtedly, one of the best epistles for so much in so little space. (And chapter 2 is one of my personal favorites!)

What I love about your presentation is that you wrap it all around faith. We can pick through verse after verse and glean so much from each. But you have pulled it all together around faith, and that's cool!

I'm with Jody. I have taken in a lot of "good" things in the past year, and now that things are winding down, I realize (yet again, sadly!) that you can truly have too much "good" stuff--and that's not good! Discernment is very much an "in process" issue with me and God.

Now...will you do 10 ponderings on humility?

Terri Tiffany said...

Great post Kelli.I guess I am one of those people now who have to decided will I believe my faith and live by it or fall apart? I choose to stand by my belief that God is still caring about us and that I have to keep the trust that He knows what he is doing. Trials bring us to that crossroads where we are forced to choose, I think. If I say I believe, then I need to trust in it.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Love your teaching here; I especially see my faith as an "active" faith--a growing, WIP, that develops over the long haul. That "haul" is often fraught with difficulties; and while they wear me down at times, they seem to be more familiar to me than not.

As I head to bed, I'll head over to Philippians to read alongside you. In some small way, it makes me feel connected to the body of Christ as point #1 so aptly recognizes.


Julie Gillies said...

Hi Kelli,

Fantastic post, so well written and filled with truth.

I think most people struggle with #6 most of all. Many have bought into the lie that faith=no problems. But God is with us IN the fire.

The most important thing to remember about faith, for me, is that God is the author and the finisher of it. And I'm so grateful.